Solo Old Dungeons / Raids With a Challenge


In the earlier expansions I loved to play dungeons from old content solo. But not just instakill everything but actually have a challenge with it.

For that I outleveled the raid level a bit (e.g. lvl 73 for a lvl 70 WotlK raid) and because of the buff you get when you are in a new expansion this felt great! You had to really understand the bosses mechnaic but it was doable.

And the best thing was: You could finetune the difficulty as you wanted to! So, lvl 71 was impossible, lvl 72 was very hard, lvl 73 the sweetspot for me and lvl 74 too easy.

However, now in Shadowlands and the level squish, this system got broken.

To do a lvl 30 dungeon (so all Vanilla content), lvl 31-lvl33 is impossible (because you dont get a leveling buff!), lvl 34 is REALLY hard doing a dungeon, raid is impossible. And lvl 35 is laughably easy, because all of a sudden you get a instakill buff.

This sucks! This probably got added for transmog hunters but is there really any lvl 35 xp stopped transmog hunter? Can you PLEASE change the instakill buff to maybe 10 or 20 levels above the dungeon so people like me can get a challenging run if they want to? Or even better an option at the xp stop npc to disable this buff?

That would be really amazing and I would probably pay money for the next years to play through the tons of content you would unlock for me and similar players :slight_smile:

I think you took the wrong exit my firend, this is the german Forum =)


Da waren auch andere englische Beiträge hmpf^^
Aber die sind wohl auch alle falsch abgebogen :smiley:

Genau das. Und ich glaube die haben auch alle ähnliche Kommentare bekommen, nur viel viel mehr davon. :crazy_face:

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