Good Evening , i know there alot of poste , but i want that blizzard noticed that Soloque punishments are to low and bugged .
We need harder Punishments.
Every leaver 2Hours Account wide Banned for every Bracket, included Rated Bgs ,
-150 Raiting for leaving is already the game. -
If they leave in Soloque , the mmr need to drop by a huge amount .
Example: ( Dh 1600cr /1650 mmr) leaving the game cuz he lost 5 of 6 games .
After leaving (1450 cr /1400 mmr) .
Why that huge mmr drop ?
Cuz after the game ,they dont gain any high points after they won a Soloshuffle game with a huge winrate . Because they left before, and feeling the punishment.
I dont know if its optimal but , if i win 5 of 6 Games there are always leaver. And im not the only one i guess.
Getting no Conquest points no Raiting no MMR i still need to wait 35 min Ques for a game cuz its abuse able bracket.
Im not here to blame , i just want that get blizzard take it as a Major Bug.
Cuz its definietly is a HUGE Major bug in the game .