Stranglethorn PvP event weekdays unplayable

Dear Blizzard Team,

Eversince you had the great idea of halving the Layers in SOD, EVERYONE is experiencing massive lags in cities, close to Gnomeregan and ESPECIALLY IN STV PVP. It is literally unplayable and ruins the experience entirely.
Everyone is having 6-7s delays on the weekend and 3-4s delays during the week. How did you just half the layers because players complained about it being „too empty“ which must have been a Troll since Im on Crusader Strike and its constantly full of people farming my mobs, Horde killing my Twinks constantly in a laggy environment and being a Feral Bear in STV PVP I cannot tell when to AOE Strike or where the Mage is gonna be with 7s predictions. It is literally unplayable as melee and from making 1k+ coins I barely make 500 now, while not enjoying 1 second of it. Can you please please at least bring more layers in STV?
I do not understand how you could so recklessly half the layers when your servers so clearly cant handle the load and people are having 700+ms pings for 5 entire days now. Unplayable, not fun and Mage AOE groups with teleporting mages (from the lags) are putting the nail in the coffin.’
It was my favourite WoW PvP event ever and now its just ruined, why did you do it? When are you gonna fix it?

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Deutsches Forum und es gibt bereits ein Thread über das Thema mit Querverweis aufs englische Forum. Dort kannste dann auch dein Englisch absondern.


dann poste doch hier den Link?
Und er hat Recht… das kann man nicht oft genug erwähnen, denn das ist ne rießen Sauerei…

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