Today’s complete Death Knight tuning changes in the Beta:

  • Blood
    • Heart Strike now generates 15 runic power (was 10).
  • Frost
    • Obliterate – Damage increased by 15%.
    • Howling Blast – Damage increased by 12%.
    • Breath of Sindragosa – Damage increased by 15%.
    • Remorseless Winter – Damage increased by 10%.
    • Frost Strike – Damage increased by 20%.
    • Unleashed Frenzy – Strength per stack increased to 2% (was 1%).
    • Pillar of Frost – Strength increased to 25% (was 20%) and Strength per rune spent increased to 2% (was 1%).
    • Frostscythe – Damage increased by 15%.
    • Frigid Executioner – Obliterate damage increased to 15% (was 10%) and chance to refund 2 runes increased to 15% (was 12%).
    • Piercing Chill – Damage taken per bounce of Chill Streak increased to 10% (was 5%).
    • Shattering Blade – Bonus Frost Strike damage increased to 100% (was 60%).
    • Enduring Strength – Strength increased to 10/20% per rank (was 5/10%).
  • Unholy
    • Superstrain – Now applies Frost Fever and Blood Plague at 80% effectiveness. This includes runic power generated from Frost Fever which is now 4 (was 5).
    • Summon Gargoyle – Damage of Gargoyle Strike increased by 25%. Now properly scales with Mastery.
    • Commander of the Dead – Damage buff for your Army of the Dead Ghouls and Gargoyle increased to 35% (was 30%). Commander of the Dead will now apply to ghouls who were still being summoned in by Army of the Dead when Dark Transformation was pressed.
    • Death Coil – Damage reduced by 15%.
    • Raise Dead – All Pet ghoul damage reduced by 10%.
    • Death Rot – Now applies to all enemies damaged by Epidemic or Death Coil (was only your primary target).
    • Scourge Strike – Damage reduced by 8%.
    • Clawing Shadows – Damage reduced by 8%.
    • Festering Wound – Damage reduced by 10%.
    • Magus of the Dead – Frostbolt and Shadowbolt damage increased by 100%.
    • Unholy Pact – No longer grants 5% Strength.
    • Rotten Touch – Increases Scourge Strike damage by 50% for 6 seconds (was 30%).
    • Ghoulish Frenzy – Attack Speed and Damage gained decreased to 5/10% (was 6/12%).
    • Coil of Devastation – Now deals 30% of Death Coil damage over 4 seconds (was 35%).
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Freue mich sehr über die Frost DK Buffs, da ich endlich meinen Main für DF gefunden hab, kommt mir sowas natürlich sehr entgegen :joy:
Bleibt nur abzuwarten, ob BoS später wieder das To Go-Talent wird oder ob Obli weiterhin ähnlich viable bleibt.

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Was möchtest du uns damit sagen? Das Frost in DF schlecht ist?

Kaum einer kann zu den Buffs Was sagen , weil keiner Frost im Raid oder m+ auf der beta gespielt hat.

Er hat einfach eine Aussage gemacht. Punkt. Das hier ist ein Forum. Da kann man auch was schreiben ohne DIR was sagen zu wollen -,- Back to topik ; DK sieht insgesamt sehr gut aus finde ich…


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