First of all, I want to clarify a few things.
- I’m talking about the Open-World Version of Wintergrasp.
- I’m talking from a perspective of someone with ILVL 450 and not a High End Mythic+100 Player with maxed out Corruptions
- This is not hate but a call for much needed adjustments to make the Raid within the Keep accessable AT ALL.
- For anyone thinking its less overtuned than I state, I invite you to test it within the current patch. I can’t speak for past expansion or patches I only speak about the scaling right now.
Wintergrasp is currently impossible to solo. It is a purely frustrating, zero fun waste of time and it is probably the worst designed and scaled old content currently as of 8.3
What I experience
I have tried to beat it now 3 times. Everytime I run out of time. And this is without anyone from the enemy faction interfering. The reason for that is; I cannot reach the required rank to use the greater siege weapons faster than 5-8 Minutes left on the timer. That is because the Soldiers have a ridiculous amount of health if I fight the guards alone. If I use the guards in combat with friendly npc, they usually steal the killshot and leave you without gaining a buff, wasting the entire time I hit them. Also they deal so much damage, that pulling two is already a challenge and almost kills you. Then there is the fact that theres only ever a group of two enemies to fight, with the next one being like 20 seconds away, with flying. Then the siege weapon moves very slow. Until I reach the Keep at all, there is only 5 Minutes or less time. So far that’s already frustrating, if this would be all. But the walls have actually so much HP that even if I spam both skills on cooldown with a destroyer, the wall will not break in less than 5 minutes. With 5-8 Minutes left, you see why this is numericly impossible if the guard part is already taking so long.
There is no reason to make it so unnecessarily hard.
This doesn’t need to be that difficult, almost borderline impossible. It is old content and no one cares who has access to the raid. No one fights for it anyway. There is no need to put harder locks in this than any other content in the game. The guards do twice as much damage as elites in nyalotha areas and have thrice as much health as any elite. In fact, I’d say there isn’t even any normal or normal-non raidboss-elite enemy in the game that have as much health as they do.
Theres nothing to do better here
This has nothing to do with bad play, if it is that tight and so extremly difficult to archieve that you cannot do it without being at max gear possible, it is bad and frustrating for every player trying to access the raid for example for transmog, which is my reasoning I’m so mad about this. This not only does not make any fun to play, but it is also frustrating since you invest a lot of time and then find out at the end that it was impossible to begin with.
This battlefield is the definition of Blizzard saying „It doesn’t need to be fun, it just needs to take long.“ And it takes longer, than you even have time for it. If you want players to have a good time, atleast make it doable for more players than the absolute elite. And I’m not even sure they can manage that without doing every frame perfectly.
Suggestions to make it less frustrating and actually doable:
- Reduce Soldier Health by like 90%
- Reduce Soldiers Damage Output by 90%
- Reduce the Walls HP by 90%
- or Let us attack walls a players
- Unlock siege weapons earlier than 15 kills(if you get them) which can be easily 30-40 kills if you don’t.
- Increase Damage Output by siege weapons by just as much
- make siege weapons move faster
- give us easier npc groups to gain ranks
- Increase Stacks gained by Slaying NPC / Don’t allow NPC to steal your Stack
- give us an hour time or more
This doesn’t mean we need all of these suggestion, but anyone of them would make it less bad, and more enjoyable since as of now, no one can argue this is fun in any way.