Eh… nein. Der Angriff kam auf Garroshs Befehl.
Stellte sich sogar raus, dass die Verlassenen mit dem Wolfskult zusammen arbeiteten um die Verteidigung Gilneas zu schwächen indem sie die Worgen in Gilneas los ließen.
Due to the events at the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate, the Forsaken are „in the dog house“ with the rest of the Horde and the Horde leadership. With the Horde now controlled by Warchief Garrosh Hellscream, Garrosh has ordered Sylvanas Windrunner to claim Gilneas so the Horde can have a port in southern Lordaeron The motivations of the Wolf Cult led by Alpha Prime were to gather worgen servants, march on Darnassus, and get revenge on Malfurion Stormrage.
The two groups worked together, with the worgen weakening Gilneas’s defenses for the Forsaken.
Mehr unter Kontrolle von Xe’ra.
Immer wieder schön wie schnell es vergessen wird, dass das leuchtende Windspiel da so seine Kristalle im Spiel hatte.
Even though Alleria Windrunner had been advised against it, she started delving into the Void, and left the Army of the Light under the tutelage of Locus-Walker. She would eventually return to the Xenedar , and aid the Army against the Burning Legion. Xe’ra tried to convince her to abandon her endeavor and keep to the Light, but Alleria refused. Although X’era was eventually dissuaded by Turalyon from inflicting harsher punishment, and despite Alleria’s arguments that they were not enemies despite their different affiliations, she nevertheless had Alleria imprisoned aboard the Xenedar , at least until she accepted „the path of righteousness“ once again
In fact:
Turalyon would come to agree that Xe’ra had been in the wrong. He later stated to Anduin Wrynn at the Gathering that paladins and priests should let the Light guide them, but never command them, and make use of one’s mind and heart as well. Anduin was aware that Turalyon was referring to Xe’ra.
Vor Cata gehörten sie nicht zur Allianz und waren wild, oder Teil des Wolfskult. In Cata sind es Gilneer die die Belagerung ihrer Heimat entgegen wirken wollten oder Überlebende von Süderstade, die den Worgenfluch akzeptierten um Rache für die Verseuchung ihrer Stadt zu nehmen.
Alles in allen wäre es schön, wenn du aufhörst die Zeit Anderer zu vergeuden, dein Laien-RP runter schrauben würdest und dich mehr auf Fakten als auf Populismus zu stützen…