10man Raiding - Scaling, hitting walls

Me and some friends are running CN normal raids with 2/2/6 setup. We are old slow and casual but are trying and having great fun :slight_smile: We struggled really hard on Lady inerva darkvein until the fight was adjusted for smaller raid sizes. Now we have hit a brick wall on Blood council. The oppressive atmosphere in phase 2 (killing one of the bosses, no mater which one, we have tried it all) is simply impossible to overcome with a 2/2/6 setup. The mechanics and adds really punish the dps and alwyas ending up with a wipe due to oppressive atmosphere. I read a thread on Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveWoW/comments/ke3yp1/raid_size_scaling_on_council_of_blood_data_inside/) where someone did a calculation on the dps requirements for a 2/2/6 setup, not sure the calculations are correct but it is obvious they are extremley high so the scaling is way off. We are average 205 ilvl and our dps was around 2.4K until wipe. The only option we see to overcome the fight is to bring in more dps throuh LFG and go minimum 2/2/9, we think that is really sad, it should be possible to clear the raid at any raid sizes with scaling. We ended up giving up on Blood Council and went heroic, killed shreekwing easily and got stuck at Huntsman, everthing went really well until the shade(s) spwan. It was really hard to manage and kill two shades with the 2/2/6 setup… Anyway, we hope you can look at the Blood Council fight for 10man.