Account Doesn't Exist

I have gone on to my computer after a solid few months of not playing. i have gone to load up when it tells me my account does not exist, i have then tried resetting my password but that doesn’t work as my email " doesn’t exist". all of the methods the support says and as many forums as i read i seem to be the only one with this issue. i cannot lodge a ticket as that requires my email and according to the system it doesn’t exist. i have gone through the past emails on my email and it definitely existed as i have purchase receipts and news blogs being sent to that email. i would be very happy if i could get my account back some how because i have spent a lot of money on it . suggestion are welcome

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Hey DIreRaven,

We cannot help you locate your original account here on the Forum. Please contact support directly for assistance. If you are having trouble doing so (you can contact support without logging in), create a temporary new Blizzard account to contact support through.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

Yea i have the same issue as this.
Contacted support though a new account, but obviously there’s a covid-19 delay to responses at the moment.

I have waited 4 days after mine was hacked mate

oh no… sorry to hear that. Probably what happen with mine too

If you don’t get a reply within 7 days it could mean that the request wasn’t able to be completed or the support email/ticket reply was filtered.

If that does happen then simpy try again to get in contact, also include any relevant information in the ticket, for example if you need us to contact you on a new email, your battletag, your email. Currently our Live chat is closed or we would recommend using that.

To prevent hacked accounts we have an Authenticator that you can use to help protect yourself in the future:

Due to this being a necroed post I am closing it from any future replies. I hope you get your accounts back soon!