BANNED for no reason

Hello, i got banned in wow for no reason. Is it because of autoban system ? please look into my ticket. thx

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All bans are accompanied with a reason, you should’ve gotten an email check your spam filters otherwise.

Since you’ve said you made a ticket wait on the answer as ban discussions aren’t allowed on the forums.

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hello i was banned for no reason as well. i simply made a mythic + key on my alt character and named the post ALT RUN and someone whispered me saying they found my post annoying and asked me to change it or they would report me with his friends to auto ban me. of course i wasnt doing anything wrong so i said lol k. but was logged out 30min later being banned. my ticket hasnt been replied to for 2 days now and this guy took advantage of the ban system and im getting punished for it?? US98743429 if someone can look into it please

You cannot bypass the ticket queue over the forums, the US colleagues will investigate your case as soon as it comes to the front of the queue.

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