Steam deck support

Please provide a linux flatpak version of so Steam deck users like myself can continue to support and play games from blizzard like diablo 3, diablo 4, overwatch etc. Thank you.


Agreed, this should be supported on Linux


+1 yes please do this!


Native support for Linux would be awesome!! Can‘t for D4…


This would be awesome, we needed!

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I also agree that using proper support, as an end user would also like to have these features ready to go. I plan on getting D4 in the next couple of weeks and it is great to know that this would be available for my Steam Deck when I am out and about.

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I seventh this!!!

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+1 I really want to play Diablo IV

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+1 yes please this is 20 characters long I think

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Linux support please.!

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Please provide a linux flatpak version of so Steam deck users like myself can continue to support and play games from blizzard like diablo 3, diablo 4, overwatch etc. Thank you.

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That would be awesome! I want to play Diablo 4 everywhere I go :slight_smile: Blizzard, Please support us on that :heart:

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This would be great!

Finally!! Diablo 4 is coming to Steam on 17 Oct 2023. Our feedback has been accepted!! A win!@@

A bit a late reaction so putting a :lock: here