Blizz launcher does not equal Steam launcher

Can we please stop trying to imitate steam? Please… you are not steam; you do not have the steam library of games… there simply is no point in trying to pretend to be steam.
Why am I saying Blizz is pretending to be steam? Well opening the Battlenet launcher it always starting on the “sale” tab; which to me is reeking of desperation and poor imitation!
This works for steam because they actually have different products; Blizzard introduces a new game every 10 years orso… having a sales tab blasted in ur face for a company that operates in this manner is questionable at best and horrifyingly desperate at worst.
Not a good look from my perspective and for me it’s only motivating me to not buy more Blizzard products. Too be fair I already own most of ur IPs anyway but things like Diablo 4 and OW2 have really made me wonder how long I will still purchase Blizzard products.
Blasting the annoying AF ads in my face every time I open the launcher; DOES NOT HELP you guys in any way shape or form other than me disliking this company more.

TL;DR: Very simple dont blast ads in my face when I open the launcher; Dont like it; dont want it and yall simply dont have enough good products to sell.

That’s the default option… there is an option to open the “Last viewed game page” instead…

It won’t block the “What’s new” panel that pops over the Battle.Net app from time to time… adverting events or new products that I have no interest in… but at least, that’s easy enough to close.

Cheers !

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Actually good one; Thank you!

Tho Blizzard making this the default option… not the play imo!

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