Can we please stop trying to imitate steam? Please… you are not steam; you do not have the steam library of games… there simply is no point in trying to pretend to be steam.
Why am I saying Blizz is pretending to be steam? Well opening the Battlenet launcher it always starting on the “sale” tab; which to me is reeking of desperation and poor imitation!
This works for steam because they actually have different products; Blizzard introduces a new game every 10 years orso… having a sales tab blasted in ur face for a company that operates in this manner is questionable at best and horrifyingly desperate at worst.
Not a good look from my perspective and for me it’s only motivating me to not buy more Blizzard products. Too be fair I already own most of ur IPs anyway but things like Diablo 4 and OW2 have really made me wonder how long I will still purchase Blizzard products.
Blasting the annoying AF ads in my face every time I open the launcher; DOES NOT HELP you guys in any way shape or form other than me disliking this company more.
TL;DR: Very simple dont blast ads in my face when I open the launcher; Dont like it; dont want it and yall simply dont have enough good products to sell.