Blizzard agent went to sleep

i can no longer access to battlenet, error:

“Blizzard agent went to sleep. Attempting to wake it up…
More help: BLZBNTBNA00000005”

my operating system is up to date and has no virus/malware, i tried to uninstall and reinstall battlenet (removed cache folder), i tried without windows firewall, the app still not working.

i tried to open a ticket but …
“You can’t submit this ticket.
There’s been an error. The problem may be temporary, so please try again later.” (really ?)

Is there anything else I can do?


We all have that issue right now…


Такая же ситуация!Что делать незнаю

I have the same issue,some of my friends have it also,some don’t have it,I have managed to submit a ticket but nothing so far,don’t waste your time with unnistalling,antivirus turned off,cache delete,done that allready and didn’t fix it.


i have the same error : (

This is a temporary solution but will get you back into the game! - Just open your game folder and run the executable without the launcher! You’re welcome! ┬━┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)


Same issues here. Seems like we created the post at the same time.
It’s really unacceptable that you’re not able to play any of the games due to an error in the launcher. No fallback procedure or anything. Terrible.

How you tried this?
Does not work with Hearthstone, Diablo or Call of Duty, and then I stopped trying.

same problem here hope they fix it

same problem… please help… and also on the bottom it states that
“We are aware of an issue affecting servers, which may result in slow or failed login attempts. we are currently investigating the cause and will provide update”
please resolve my problem!!!

Im able to run both call of duty and hearthstone in this way just tested but i dont have diablo currently installed Just go to your install location and run the executables instead of the launcher file

Have currently the same issue, tried multiple fixes including restarting, killing the agent-task to force-restart it, deleting the ProgramData folder for (c:/ProgramData/ and completely reinstalling … nothing helped

Also, I tried to run Overwatch manually, but it just says “Game server connecetion failed … retrying” once I typed in all my login info

Looks like I am not alone! I have tried everything I could find and nothing works properly. Any idea when this will be fixed?

Doesn’t work with Overwatch (at least for me)

This is the file you wanna run imgur. com/ a / MOPhOkl fix the link yourself

I know how and what to run, but it does not work. I tried it before posting.
Seems we’re at different steps in the process, because no games works for me from the .exe.

that is exactly how I tried to open Overwatch (filepath is C:\Program Files (x86)\Overwatch_retail_\Overwatch.exe)

Retarded Launch, if u just wanna play a game u shouldnt have to open a fucking launcher and see ads that u have to manually close… and now u cant play because of it, not even open game for offline play… Blizzard is killing all the joy, trash—…

What games would you play on PC that doesn’t have a launcher or platform to be on? I do think blizzard is falling behind in some areas and the combination of activitsion just kills some of the bright future to look forward to.

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This is a known issue on our end, we have people working to resolve it.
You can keep updated on known issues over on the CS EU Twitter.