Call of Duty Black Ops 6 - Game crashing - Error Code 0x887A0005

I’m hoping I can get some help from someone here as Activision support haven’t provided anything useful and the game has been crashing consistently for 3 days now.

Problem started off after 1 or 2 games and now I mostly get as far as the multiplayer menu before the game crashes and I’m booted out. The 4 week prior to this I’ve been able to play the game without interruption.

Message I’m receiving:

DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error

Error Code: 0x887A0005 (0x887A0007) (6070) D
Signature: 73A5A4DE-52E19571-F908B21C-FB9FF3D8
Location: 0x00007FFE7A6B837A (20834598)
Executable: game_ship.exe

From various other posts I’ve tried the following;

  • Scan and repair the game files
  • Moving game file location
  • Reinstalling the entire game (multiple times now)
  • Updating all CPU and GPU drivers
  • Reinstalling all CPU and GPU drivers
  • Updating any Windows updates
  • Reverting to old drivers and Windows versions
  • Lowered all in-game settings to minimum
  • Lowered VRAM settings
  • Reinstalled all shaders
  • Removed old RGB tech which was causing other players issues in the past
  • Changed priority of the game in task manager
  • Turned off all in-game overlays including NVIDIA App ones
  • Run as administrator
  • Allowed all Call of Duty and files access through antivirus
  • Turned off Windows Game Mode

I’ve even cleaned my PC as a last resort but still no improvement in accessing the game.

I’m running on a 1070 and i5 9400 which I’ve never had issues with prior.

Hoping someone here can give any other ideas!

Blizzard provides no support for Activision games once it is completely installed…
I suggest you try social media (there are a number of sites offering support for BO6, including Reddit) if you can’t get help from Activision.

For example :

This forum here is for issues on Blizzard’s Legacy Games… old games such as Warcraft: Orcs and Humans and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.

I finally found a fix after crashing every 30 minutes since season 1 came out.

You have to roll back your drivers to version 560.70

Make sure you use Display Driver Uninstaller to remove the old ones, then install that version. The game will tell you to update your driver, hit ignore and enjoy a crash free game!

Please give an update, has the problem been fixed?

It worked for me ! Thanks !

worked for me! thank you

hey my friend i hope soon you can play
Frist Delete shader cache: Delete the game’s shader cache
i have hope this is working
but if agen cant play better Reinstall your Windows on pc for new Windows Frist install C+ Pack one a one for c+13 if frist install high lvl cant installing after do 2.all in one and next Do all your driver’s i think this is 100% working but need spend much time Bro :heart: