I’m hoping I can get some help from someone here as Activision support haven’t provided anything useful and the game has been crashing consistently for 3 days now.
Problem started off after 1 or 2 games and now I mostly get as far as the multiplayer menu before the game crashes and I’m booted out. The 4 week prior to this I’ve been able to play the game without interruption.
Message I’m receiving:
DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error
Error Code: 0x887A0005 (0x887A0007) (6070) D
Signature: 73A5A4DE-52E19571-F908B21C-FB9FF3D8
Location: 0x00007FFE7A6B837A (20834598)
Executable: game_ship.exe
From various other posts I’ve tried the following;
- Scan and repair the game files
- Moving game file location
- Reinstalling the entire game (multiple times now)
- Updating all CPU and GPU drivers
- Reinstalling all CPU and GPU drivers
- Updating any Windows updates
- Reverting to old drivers and Windows versions
- Lowered all in-game settings to minimum
- Lowered VRAM settings
- Reinstalled all shaders
- Removed old RGB tech which was causing other players issues in the past
- Changed priority of the game in task manager
- Turned off all in-game overlays including NVIDIA App ones
- Run as administrator
- Allowed all Call of Duty and Battle.net files access through antivirus
- Turned off Windows Game Mode
I’ve even cleaned my PC as a last resort but still no improvement in accessing the game.
I’m running on a 1070 and i5 9400 which I’ve never had issues with prior.
Hoping someone here can give any other ideas!