Can't link Xbox account to

I bought 2 weeks of Xbox PC GamePass specifically to get 6 Overwatch skins you receive after connecting your account to an Xbox account with an active GamePass subscription.

Note: All of the Game Masters’ quotes are directly from their messages to me.

I tried to connect my Xbox account to, but I encountered the “Whoops! Something went wrong” error. I contacted support, and the first Game Master said: “It seems that that specific error in that specific case means that you’ll have to wait till you are able to establish a connection, ideally 30 days.” I have no idea what “establishing a connection” means (nor any other part of this weird sentence), nor why it takes a month. I also didn’t receive any information explaining what caused this error.

I then asked if there was anything they could do. The second Game Master replied: “I understand you want to know if we can bypass the current 30-day cooldown due to failed attempts.” I want to point out that not a single one of my attempts failed because of something I did. I logged into both my Xbox and accounts successfully every single time. Despite this, all the attempts failed. So now I’m stuck with a 30 day cooldown because their system couldn’t link the accounts? I’ve read through all the related articles, both Xbox and, and there’s nothing I’ve done incorrectly. I should have been able to connect these accounts. So, what caused failed attempts? To me, it looks like a bug or error on the side, but they won’t check nor admit it for some reason.

I asked them to explain what was causing the problem. The third Game Master said: “We must inform you that account links have cooldowns limiting how often they can be changed. We understand that you have a one-year cooldown when you are trying to link your Xbox account.” When did we jump from 30 days to 1 year???

I looked into these cooldowns, and it seems that if you want to change a connected Xbox account, you first have to disconnect the old account, then wait a year to connect a new one. However, there is no cooldown if you disconnect and reconnect the same Xbox account. There is also no cooldown if there were no prior Xbox accounts connected. I have never linked any Xbox account to any account. So why would I even have a cooldown?

At this point, I was frustrated because I had already told them in previous reply, that I never connected Xbox account before, so the cooldown should be impossible. I used caps lock to emphasize that (I didn’t use any vulgar language, just caps).

Then the fourth Game Master marked my ticket as resolved. He said: “As the previous Game Masters said, account links have cooldowns limiting how often they can be changed.”

I think he also could’ve gotten upset about my use of caps lock. He said, “As a warning, I’d like to remind you that continuing to ticket in on the same issue we’ve already addressed is neither productive nor permitted. I strongly recommend reviewing our policy page, as further contacts on this can result in your account being penalized. This matter is now considered closed, and we will not be addressing it any further.”

So my questions remain unanswered. I’ve already opened a second ticket, but I haven’t received a response yet. And I’m not sure if I will.