Can't preload MW3 even with pre purchase

Cant pre-load the game should have gone live hours ago

hey i just pre purchased the ultimate edition and have the same problem… it still asks me to pre purchase, is this the same for you?


If you’re trying to follow the steps provided by Activision on their website ( ) for Battle.Net, the instructions are wrong.

The installation of MW 3 is performed under “Call of Duty”.

If you need more information and/or details on the installation, please use the Desktop App Tech Support forum.

This forum here is for technical support on Blizzard’s Legacy Games — old games such as Diablo II (2000) and the games included in the Blizzard Arcade Collection.

Best of luck in your games !

hi, i bought the standart edition in the Pre-purchase like two weeks ago and now when the campaign relesed, i tried to play and it wont let me play although i bought it.
it keep sending me to the store in the game and offers me to buy it.

Same here. I even played campaign for a short while, but now it won’t let me load it back up, and asks me to pre purchase.