Cant sign in to client

Hello i am not able to sign in to battle net on the PC client or the mobile app. My credentials are correct. The problem is that it never connects, the battle net symbol just keeps spinning. I have unistalled and reinstalled the client and cleared %programdata%, %localappdata%, %appdata% %temp%. restared my PC and router. renewed and release my IP and flushed DNS. I have changed password. connected my google account, updated drivers. I have also checked windows firewall and my router firewall.
When i try to sign in on the mobile app it just tries to connect aswell. The last time i played was only a few days ago and everything worked fine


What’s happened exactly when you are trying to connect ? You could share a Screenshot that will help everyone to help you.
You say it’s your issue with Battle Net Client from your PC but also your mobile.
Try to switch internet connection, for example if you have mobile internet try with that to see if the client will react otherwise.

If you have a particular Router, try to avoid that and connect directly to your ISP’s modem and try again, your Router might malfunction for some reason.

Have you tried to reboot your Modem (from ISP not your router) ?

If you manage to connect via mobile, try this Batch on your PC :

And maybe change your nickname too, because obviously you’re not Lucky :smiley:
I’m joking of course :rofl:

It seems you cant upload images or share links here, but its just the small log in screen that keeps loading over and over.
I ran your batch and the problem still remains.
I also tried signing in on phone with mobile data and the same problem it just keep loading.

Have you rebooted Modem’s ISP ?
Or by Router you were talking already about that ^^

By any chance try using VPN, the issue seems to provide from your location, i tried mine Battle Net Client on PC and mobile and it works.

If the VPN works then you’ll have to contact your ISP to report routing issue.

You might also try to connect to using WIFI to a friend’s connection if he has different ISP.

Ah and i could read other discussions than Brazil have issue connecting with Blizzard globally but they succeed using VPN.

Yes the ISP provided modem is what i meant, and yes i have rebooted and reset it. I have not tried with a vpn but i live in sweden so location should not be a problem since my friends are able to play.

Do you and your friends having same ISP ?
If not, going to their Home and testing using WIFI could be useful =)

Ah someone else in Sweden had an issue too :

Using a vpn acutally worked, thank you! Now i really dont want to pay for a vpn just to play wow. What could cause something like this?

The routing.

If i were you, i would explain that to my ISP but be sure they understands the issue, it’s a routing problem between them, Blizzard and yourself.

Because by using a VPN, you are using a different network, a virtual one but it’s still another tunnel.

Open a Ticket to Blizzard’s Support to ask them to help yourself to make a real Trace Route diagnostic between your Home and Blizzard’s Servers, you might see some packet loss during the test which could help to argue to your ISP.

Explain them your current issue which is bypassed by using a VPN.
There is some articles on the FAQ but the links are broken.

Rebooting your Modem’s ISP once per day could help in case of any fix made by your ISP without your knowledge.

Depending what’s causing the blockage, you could try to change DNS Server. If Servers of Blizzard are named instead of direct IP, that will fix your issue.
Try common servers like or

Here my Home Batch which will help you to do that :
Of course it needs to run in admin mode.

@echo off
if not "%1"=="am_admin" (powershell start -verb runas '%0' am_admin & exit /b)

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

echo Choose a DNS server option:
echo 1. Cloudflare (,
echo 2. Google (,
echo 3. OpenDNS (,
echo 4. Custom
echo 5. Reset DNS to default
echo 6. Show current DNS
echo 7. Refresh DNS configuration
echo 8. Exit

set /p choix="Enter your choice (1-8) : "

if "%choix%"=="1" (
    set "dns1="
    set "dns2="
    goto setdns
) else if "%choix%"=="2" (
    set "dns1="
    set "dns2="
    goto setdns
) else if "%choix%"=="3" (
    set "dns1="
    set "dns2="
    goto setdns
) else if "%choix%"=="4" (
    set /p dns1="Enter primary DNS : "
    set /p dns2="Enter secondary DNS : "
    goto setdns
) else if "%choix%"=="5" (
    goto resetdns
) else if "%choix%"=="6" (
    goto showdns
) else if "%choix%"=="7" (
    goto refreshdns
) else if "%choix%"=="8" (
) else (
    echo Invalid choice. Please try again.
    goto menu

netsh interface ip set dns name="Ethernet" static !dns1! primary
netsh interface ip add dns name="Ethernet" !dns2! index=2
echo DNS servers have been configured successfully.
echo Primary DNS: !dns1!
echo Secondary DNS: !dns2!
goto menu

netsh interface ip set dns name="Ethernet" dhcp
echo DNS configuration has been reset to default.
goto menu

echo Current DNS configuration:
ipconfig /all | findstr /i "DNS Servers"
goto menu

ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /registerdns
echo DNS configuration has been refreshed.
goto menu
  • Refresh DNS Configuration
  • Check your current DNS to make sure the servers has been changed, then try again.
    Be sure your VPN is offline before to apply that.