COD Modern warfare low DL update

Thx Activision, no update - no game, 100kb 12 gb

I am having normal speeds for my connection (5MB/s) but its not moving at all like it crashed but when i press pause everything works , i press play again and its stuck to 5mb/s and nothing is moving

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my internet 500 mbs why down 100 kbs donwload game

Myb Blizzard should focus on their servers instead on useless league and their markets…fix this its sad…ur having Wow servers and cant fix downloads? Sad…really sad
Edit:And before people attack me that i may have low speed becouse i have slow internet…my speed is 150/15 and on normal games my usual speed is 14-19mb/s

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Almost everyone is able to give us atleast some downstream - but not blizzard. Thanks for nothing!

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Dimouk I have a 1000 fibre line, usually downloading at speeds of 90MB/sec and today the MW update goes like yours, I think it is problem of Blizzard…

this problem is only on pc

Typical, take our money and deliver a laughable network that can’t handle people downloading the patches. Fix you pathetic servers!!!

i am currently at 30 KB/s JOKE!

currently at 100b/s
gj blizzard

Asia is working for me

U’re luky i am sitting at 6b/s !!! they should close the downloads for all who play for free … hate it when i pay for a game and it " doesnt " work

thx bud, trying for 3 hours with EU servers and it was terrible. cheers

p.s. just switched to Asia and its downloading at 10mb/s

I have done the same, this is a bag of rubbish. I had to spend 4 hours downloading the last update as there were issues

Hi, i have same issue. 3.32Kb/s at this time from EU.

Hi there, so I had the same problem I was downloading with like 3B/s and then I found a fix for me I’m on Europe servers, so I loged out changed my server to Americas and then logged in and on the launcher on Region/Account I changed it to Americas and it started download like 9 to 10 mb/s. Hope it fixes it for you too.

Switch to Asia helps for me. Currently the DL speed above 6MB/s.

Changed it and restarted the launcher did it for me

Changed to Asia servers, 13Mb DL speed. Have 90% downloaded until now…

they are aware for more than a month now