COD Warzone FPS problems

Before 4 or 5 days ago, when update for the game was, I have a problem with game. Before update I had FPS arround 120 and now it is not even a 60 and it is bellow 60. The game is unplayable. I have graffic card 3060TI and every change I tryed to make it is not working. Does anyone have any advice how can I fix this problem?

Od prije 4 ili 5 dana kad je došo neki update nasto je problem. prija sam imo FPS oko 120 a sad nema šanse da bude stabilnih 60 znaci većinom je ispod 60 nego 60 igra je neigriva upzasno. imam grafičku 3060TI i sve promjene koje sam radio nista ne pomazu. ima neko nekakav savjet kako popraviti

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