My game is stuck in a scan and repair loop how do I get it fixed?? wtf is going on with this game lately! anyone else experiencing the same issue? …any solution?
This is the error code : BLZBNTAGT00000BB8
My game is stuck in a scan and repair loop how do I get it fixed?? wtf is going on with this game lately! anyone else experiencing the same issue? …any solution?
This is the error code : BLZBNTAGT00000BB8
Same problem since 2 days. I have try most of the suggested solutions in assistance but without success…
Same problem, I scan it 3 times and give me the same problem
Same here…
Well, I’ve try this solution and it seems to work (at least I can launch the game): search “Fix Warzone/Cold War Infinite Update/Scanning Loop |” from “TroubleChute” in youtube. I’ve delete everything in the folder exept the biggest files, and launch the update/repair.
Thanks to youtubers to solve game’s issues instead of devs…