Covenant Renown System Catch Up Fails

You can earn additional Renown through max level gameplay, Dungeons, Raids, PvP, and Callings (the new Emissary Quests), until you reach the current Renown cap…

Those are your words… I change covenants on Tuesday. Wednesday I was already at Renown 10, almost 3 days later still at 10 and waiting to some mision, calling reward, dungeon and battlegrounds give me one more point to continue Covenant Campaing.

I made the change believing your own words Blizzard. And I report on game, but you ever feedback. So at least I expect a feedback here.

At this pace I won’t catch up on altmost 2 weeks, and I will behind my Raid teammates because I believe on you words Blizzard. Fix your mess please.

Same for me, I switched covenant as they make it possible so one would expect that you wouldn’t find problems when doing it and instead wrong. And especially that you wouldn’t be left behind since with new character you can catch up without problems. I left venthry at level 18 2 days ago, now i am kyrian and stuck on renown 4 so i can’t progress to next story step. I did all the possible things with the kyrian, and it’s clearly a bug because i even upgraded all sanctum upgrades at level 1, but nothing will make me earn a renown. The callings 3/3 didn’t give me anything, to not mention dungeons pvp etc. that i do costantly. Nothing. It’s super disappointing and the only thing they do is reply your ticket with an automated message saying check this and that, what a joke, of course i checked everything possible before writing a ticket. I expect to speak with a GM that explains things how they are and fix them. I’m very disappointed and super tired of these tickets to be honest. not the first time happening.

As it says the Renown can be obtained from these methods, but it’s not a guarantee from these activities, you simply need to continue playing the game and doing what you normally do.

This is not to say the system isn’t bug-free or perfect and as you are both feeling that it’s not rewarding you might want to submit your feedback through the ingame Support section. You can then click on Anub’arak for bugs and feedback that is sent directly to the development team.

Tickets to Customer Support won’t result in you being granted any Renown or change how the system works, you will be advised to bug report/submit feedback through the correct channel.

Hopefully, it can be clarified to the community further how the system works if there’s enough complaints.

Same here, I switched from Venthyr (renown 18) to kyrian, and stuck on renown 6. I have done four callings and gotten 0 renown.
Somewhere around 16-20 bg’s, 0 renown. Ulduar timewalk raid, 0 renown. The five weekly timewalk dungeons, 0 renown. Tried some arena’s (bout 5’ish) and gave up. It cant be this hard to get the ‘renown ketchups’.
This is just getting super stupid, at this point I need two renown to continue the quest, and with all this effort at this point getting 0. Why bother?

I did report to dev team. One of my complains is that i will never have feedback.

Do whatever it takes to make it right, because now is renown 18, but when we finally gain the 40 renown cap, and somebody decides to change it will take months to re-cap renown 40.

If it’s not a guarantee doing all that, the % is extremly low. Done more than 20 things and got nothing. Just like others. At least the Daily Callings should guarantee 100% one renown point.

i am sorry but that doesn’t make sense. Renown should be certainly guaranteed from these activities as even Blizzard says that. It Doesn’t say you have a possibility to get a renown. It states doing these activities will award you with renown so that you are able to catch up with current cap. Also what’s the point of that if doing activities regularly for 3-4 days doesn’t even award you a single point of renown. It’s not possible to catch up either the current cap this way. So it certainly is a bug as with new characters it’s possible to catch the current cap without problems. Why would a person that changes covenantt be penalized for this choice if they are not happy with their first pick.

It’s not guaranteed at all and must be a bug. I played i don’t know how many bgs, callings every day, everything all day basically and nothing, 4 days and im still stuck at level 4. It’s impossible that has such a low % as it just wouldn’t make sense as it wouldn’t let you catch up with the current level in a normal way anyway… and no reply still from tickets.

I have problem that i cant get gloves from covenant campaign i switched to Venthryr and didnt get quest Souls for Sinfall and now i lack gloves for covenant campaign set

I am so confused now. Today, the fifth calling I have been given after I changed covenant now says in the quest it will give me a renown.
So, it’s the only source of renown until I catch up?

No they still drop in BG, lfr and so on for example, just have to be lucky, my friend got 2 Renown from lfr yesterday, i made 3 days Bg’s for 10hr a day min and got 1 Renown from that, it’s just another stupid rng system as they love it so much.