Demonology warlock PvP War Within

Hello guys,

I would like to discuss about Demo lock in pvp situation, thats in really bad position right now and I am trying my best to figure it out how to play it properly at the moment.

Talent tree its completely joke, force me to play Vilefiend that I dont want to play it, I tried to avoid it, with more felguard damage and doom, but it doesnt really work how it should be.

Diabolist tree is really bad for pvp situation, before do dmg it take a while and you are already dead before happens.

Demobolt is such a mess, really slow generate procs, pvp talent dreadstalkers if you dont proc with demobolt or cast shadowbolts, you cant have it instant…
with micro cc, really hard to do something.

I dont mind that I can hard cast I am a warlock, but at least give to us something that will work properly and we can do something, like to be more tanky, like it should be.

I dont like that with demobolt I can put doom, would be much better design with hand of guldan and then apply doom on targets…

Tyrant is a huge mess, can be cced, can be LOS, and of course you have to hard cast it…
(should be removed )

What I have heard, people would like to have back Meta, with chaos waves, shadowbolt instant and demobolt burst window. ( That was really fun to play )

Considering that affliction and destruction can now do all instant, why demo lock dont have similar design like it was.

Maybe I am wrong, but in WoD before completely rework with Meta, I had really fun even if it was hard to play.

Now its like pew pew calling pets that do almost nothing…

Tell me guys what you think or if I am wrong with something what I said.


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