Diablo 2 - wrong CD-Key error

Issue I have is quite simple, Diablo 2 installer refuses mine CD-Key despite this is is correct one.
“The CD-Key entered in the Diablo II field was invalid. Please make sure that it was typed in correctly.”
I checked it many, many times and this CD-Key is fine. However I had to past CD-Key from notepad as installer wouldn’t allow me to type “-” mark. At first it allowed, then after 2nd try it refuses to do so. Also in installer I can’t even delete “-”, one mark backwards is selected instead. Numbers and letters behaves normally. It can be deleted only when I will select number or letter too.

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I have the same issue. I didn’t open a new topic and just following it from this topic.

You don’t need to use the hypen “-” when typing in your CD key, simply inputting the text and numbers is fine.

Let us know if you have any other problems with things though when trying that.

Hi there,

I have a same problem.

I tried to install the Diablo2 to my new laptop.
The installer ask my name and the 26 character CD key.
I have the original Diablo2 and LOD CD but both CD key is only 16 character.
I have typed the CD key but got a same answer that the CD key is invalid.


I have the same issue.

I have an old CD key from when I bought the disc’s back in the early 00’s.
Now it does not work when I install without the disc’s.

It asks for 26 characters but I only have 16 without the hyphens “-”.

I have now also tried to buy the game again from your page, but as I have entered my old key, it says I already own the game.


As I can see we not going to get any answer soon.

But a big thanks for someone ( LonePC ), I found the solution.

Good luck guys for the game!!!

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Petya you just saved me 10 Euros.

Thanks a lot, since I had already redeemed the game on my account I could not do it again.

But on my Games and Subscribtions in my Blizzard Account I found the 26 characters key. So I solved it that way.

Thanks to both you and LonePC.

Sometimes it is the easy solution (I should have also mentioned it but you didn’t mention more than error and there’s a lot of key issues sometimes for Diablo II ^^)., we also have this on our Support Site too since the change to 26 Digit keys: https://support.blizzard.com/article/000030461

Normally it actually says “your key isn’t 26 digits” (for WC3 anyway), guess the Diablo II error needs updating!

This bug/error message will be passed on now.

The support article link you posted goes to “Page not found”

Luckily, the helpful folks at Blizzard Support responded to my support ticket to explain how to claim my original CD-key onto my Blizzard account/email so I could reinstall the original game and LoD (although some sifting/digging of Internet search results or diving into forum could have also revealed the answer, it was much simpler going through Support than deciphering the numerous hits/threads).

Hi Eyelais, that’s correct as the article wasn’t quite “right” when I was reading it dealing with your issue, it was adjusted and updated to here.

Sorry about that! The Support Article should I hope be correct now for Diablo II for this error.

As always Support is a living breathing here at Blizzard, we are constantly evolving and improving our knowledge, depending what’s useful from reports like yours! What looks good today may not be what’s needed tomorrow. :slight_smile: