The Reaper of Souls Digital Deluxe upgrade works on Diablo 3 Eternal Collection?
Can anybody tell me if i buy Reaper of Souls Digital Deluxe, if i get the pets and the reward from that upgrade even if i have Diablo 3 Eternal collection.
Thank you.
The Eternal Collection is simply, Diablo 3, Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls and Rise of the Necromancer.
If you choose to buy the Reaper of Souls Digital Deluxe you will get the extra rewards added to your Blizzard account and games.
You need to go to the Checkout to see the discount for owning RoS when making the purchase as you may not see it on the main shop page: https://eu.shop.battle.net/en-gb/product/diablo-iii-ros
You can also view the full contents of the Deluxe Upgrade there, which includes the pets and other items.