D.va Bomb dissapearing on LW Flower

Hi I just had a game on Route 66 in the last part inside next to the truck. I pressed A to ult. My lifeweaver wanted to help and put his flower under it. The flower goes up and my bomb just dissapeared. It didn’t go off no explosion sound. As if i didn’t ult. I have a replay of the game. I tried to see if other people had it but i only found 1 in the overwatch league where it happened next to a grav. Did anyone else had this happen?


This is NOT the forums for Overwatch.

This forum is for technical support on Blizzard’s Legacy Games — old games such as Diablo II (2000) and its expansion Lord of Destruction;

To discuss Overwatch… use the Overwatch forums.

oh I am terribly sorry! when I looked for it to post google gave me this. I will remove the post.