Game crashing losing levels

game crashed was on level 300 now took me back to level 1 and lost all my weapon upgrades



This forum is for technical support on Blizzard’s Legacy Games — old games such as Diablo II: Lord of Destruction and the games in the Blizzard Arcade Collection.

If the issue you describe is for another game, then you are posting in the wrong forum.

After today’s update, I got this error. I can’t connect to the server and I can’t play games.
Also, weapons camouflage and lwl have been reset.


This looks like the issue is for Call of Duty… an Activision game.

Blizzard support for games made by Activision is limited to installation and updates; once the game is fully installed on your PC, you need to contact Activision for any issues. Refer to for details.

That being said, there is a similar topic on the Americas region forums… take a look and see if it’s the same. If it is, a player said he has passed the info to an Activision dev he knows:

Good luck !

Mě se stalo to samé. Hra spadla a pak vše na úrovni 1

ours crashed too , and same thing with regards level etc. but now we cant even get to play the zombies game as not loading anything

Same thing happend to me in mw3.I was 373 level.

yeah yeah… promises, promises !!