Graphics (valuable)

“Don’t know if anyone would want, they haven’t done one since ps2 or halo 3 on Xbox
Slowly deleted after release
% brightness on screen slow increase
(not releasing a group on nintendo 64)
Nintendo 64 - green 8,000,000-20,000,0000
blue 45,000-180,000, special case 180,000,000 (not sure entire range, mario kart 64)
red 45,000-180,000 (believe might peak at 5,000,000-8,000,000 in tunnels) <- sends everything far
header.bV5GammaGreen = ;
header.bV5GammaBlue = ;
header.bV5GammaRed = ;
PS2 - Refrain from green gamma (keep much lower than others)
3d effect system, sub pixel sharding
blue 20,000,000-40,000,000
red 20,000,000-40,000,000
header.bV5GammaGreen = ;
header.bV5GammaBlue = ;
header.bV5GammaRed = ;”

Kind of tired of a group getting stolen off of my computer, not sure who is doing it but it seems like it’s getting hacked in a lot of places but the above is what i found with Nintendo 64 and ps2

There’s just such a large color pool some of this is blatant

-> would be a vary valuable opinion towards diablo 2 ressurection and diablo 4

suppose to refrain from using green on the ps2 group (putting green high)

Also the setting can effect a video from across the screen, could hold the color at the other side of the screen and everything forms to the sub pixel sharding or the color adjusts to release date

A lot of what looks like is damage on the games isn’t actually damage, for example gauntlet dark legacy has a lot that isn’t actually damage