Killing wow with gatekeeping

You, the player, are killing wow.
Nobody new will play this game and if they do they will buy gold.
Why would anyone new risk the 30 minute dubuff when they can spend 30 bucks and buy your gear in 15 minutes, and solo that dungeon with no risk of being shit on for being new. No risk of kick for being new. The ability to learn free of abuse. Free of kicks and 30 minute debuffs.
Why would they play the game. You wont let them anyways whats to learn? Spend 30 bucks snd get ssme gears others spent years to get.
Thats the lesson. Get a time machine or buy whay i have and spend hours on yt learning thing i was allowed to learn over years of playing.
Smart. Thats long term thinking there. Dont forget to complain about said gold buying as you kick new players from low level normal dungeons so they cant ever learn the game or their class or get anything at all. Thats big brain sh*t.


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