I’m curious if there’s a way to customize my Blizzard launcher to eliminate Activision games /adds popping up. I really dislike first person shooters. I’m a veteran with ptsd, and I try very hard to avoid that type of content. I find it distressing to have it shoved in my face every time I go to log on. I play games as a way to relax, and I find their presence on the launcher very much detracts from my custmer experience. When the first thing I’m confronted with is an add for a game glorifying gun violence in the context of war I can’t help but be a bit triggered/nausiated. Please help. Every time I open my launcher I find myself needing to take a minute to remind myself to let go and not be angry, and that whole experience is driven by a game I would never play. If there isn’t a way to customize the launcher, I would urge Activison Blizzard to consider developing one. I understand it’s a bussiness ,and I’m an outlier, but perhaps the contrast of perspectives like mine could help improve company perception of the gamers like myself who are just really put off by violence that strays from the fantasy genre. Thanks for your time.