MW Warzone 6036 Fatal Error

and if it works, please make it available for download

Same problem here DEV ERROR 6036 [ww_mp_aniyah_tac.ff]

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same error :rage::rage: , and somtimes , freeze on wz.

same issue here “DEV ERROR 6036 [ww_mp_aniyah_tac.ff]”, immediately after the lobby is ready to go to the map the screen shows up grey with the map name displayed like its about to load but can’t load files or something then it crashes out to desktop. Some people say something about disabling spot shadows in the graphics settings etc but I already had those settings off anyway and still crashes out when loading that one map

Should be great integrating the file manually

Turn off from grafics game

Cache spot shadows
Cache sun shadows

work to me


This is going on for hours. After the update, the new Multiplayer keeps crashing!
Does anyone knows something for a new update, fixing those bugs?

same problem before update…

I can’t even enter the graphics settings in the game

Trying to enter a match, error 6036 appears.

Won’t work for me :frowning:

Same me too, Warzone works the free weekend of COD MW gives this f@c*ng error!

i’ve been struggling with this issue all day the game crashes every time i had to leave the lobby every time this map showed up to prevent the game from crashing hopefully there is a fix to this problem soon.

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SAME and do something with the start game I allways need to put on safe mode ALLWAYS WTF IS THIS GAME?

Which map? Cuz i too managed to get in some games but most of them crash

True in mp not the all map make this error…btw how many maps there be…to many for test them all which is crash the game which is not…

i think it just this map file is missing if any one can help with this please share or to enforce game to update or fix

il faudrait trouver une personne avec qui sa fonctionne et qu’il nous envoi le fichier afin de pouvoir le mettre a sa place ^^

It only happens on Aniyah for me. Guessing, Warzone comes with some maps, but not all of them. Aniyah should be force-updated to everyone.


Same problem apparently everyone got this issue. Most likely will come a patch tomorrow…