My account is just gone

recently i tried getting back into overwatch, just for fun and all that. i try to log in and it says “account not found”, i have multiple emails and bank statements proving this account exists, ive reached out and they give me the ususal “we need some identifying information”. the problem is that since i dont have access to the old account i cant submit a ticket, and when i try to submit a ticket it says “youve reached the maximum amount of tickets” even though i havent sent any yet. i resolved this by just making a new account (this one right here) to get support, but ive been waiting for a long time now, and eveytime i get a response its just that they need more “identifying information” ive sent my id, my emails, proof of purchases, proof of phone number, even screenshots i have of the old account. the support is just insanely bad and keeps sending me to new people


Excellent !! – reaching out to Blizzard Support was the right thing to do.

Did you keep the ticket number of your first ticket… the one where they said they needed some identifying info ?

There are a lot of tickets in the system now… I suspect the time for a reply is longer than usual. Usually, you would get a reply within 24 to 48 hours… but nowadays, it may be more like 3 or 4 days before you get an answer.

How did you send that info ? Replying to the Blizzard Support e-mail (by e-mail) doesn’t work – they use a “no Reply” address when they send e-mails so your answer never reaches anyone that needs to see your reply.

Instead, you need to create a new “account hacked” ticket and reference (put in) the ticket number of that first ticket, and then add the answers to the questions they asked. Providing the number of that first ticket allows them to link your first ticket where you reported the issue with the new ticket with the answers to their questions.

There is a way of submitting a ticket without being logged in… if you need it, I’ll provide the info. Myself, I rather create a new account and submit from that account… it allows you to monitor/check the status of your ticket(s) here: .