My Laptop Is Getting Heated While Gaming

Hello friends,
My device gets hot whenever I plug in to charge and play some games. If I play without connecting to the charger, the device stays cold. Has anyone faced this kind of problem before? Please help.

That sounds like a power management setting to me. When the charger is connected the laptop will use your max cpu power. Without a charger the laptop will try to save battery power by not using your cpu to the max.

Instructions for Windows 10:

To adjust power and sleep settings in Windows 10, go to Start , and select Settings > System > Power & sleep.

Under Screen, select how long you want your device to wait before turning the screen off when you’re not using your device.

Under Sleep, select how long you want your device to wait before going to sleep when you’re not using it.

For more power saving options, select Additional power settings to change how your device uses power.

Hey MagicGnome,

I’d also suggest that you have a look into this article here, with some extra information about overheating components/computer.