No servers are currently available (BLZ51934200)

Currently seeing the above error but unable to find any information anywhere about servers being down.


I’m getting the same error. First a que message, then disconnected with BLZ51934200.

I had the queue message to start too, which I found odd as I am on a low capacity realm.

I am experiencing the exact same problem as you,no way to log in (No servers are currently available (BLZ51934200))

Same issue here - no server

Gleiche Fehlermeldung.

Same issue here! Anyone got more information?

Yep - same here to help get this problem noticed (and, shock horror perhaps a reply or status update from Blizzard)

Blizz just posted on Twitter, investigating authentication servers which may result in a failed login attempts

Same error. both classic and retail

Kinda lame that they don’t post any info on their own tech support forum !

I was just able to login to the server, I hope everyone else is up and running too.