Nvidia 9800 GT Problem Overwatch

Not working:error No compatible graphics hardware not foung (0XE0070160) pls help…

I think it is obvious from the error what your problem is. Graphics Card. It is too old. But still. try this:

There will be two reasons (that I know of) why this error will appear on your screen:

The video card you are using is listed as an unsupported video card.

You recently updated GeForce Experience (with more than one PC that shares the same GeForce login) or recently updated to Windows 10 Fall Creators update.

If you are part of reason #1, the only way to fix this issue is with hardware upgrades.

If you can relate to reason #2, read on. There are a plethora of forum posts and a handful of different “solutions”. The first one you can try is to enable GPU scaling on AMD or clean out your drivers on NVidia. That may not work for you as it did not work for me.

What worked for me was to simply change my laptop’s resolution to any other resolution (1024 x 768) then launch the game. If the launch is successful: close the game, change your resolution back to its native resolution and enjoy Overwatch.

Thanks to TrooperHR for pointing me in the right direction."

Post copied from reddit