Permanent Trial of Styles

Trial of Styles should be permanent and removed as a holiday special event. This event allows for players to not only show off their own transmogs but see the transmogs of other players. It’s one of the only fun ways to actually show off your transmogs and mounts, otherwise your only options are community made events.

The main two reasons I’ve seen against this idea is that it will become to repetitive and it will take the fun out of specialness of the event. However, one of the reasons it becomes stale is because of the limited number of “themes” that come out. Simply with AI you could create over 100 themes in a second and you could potentially get.

The other issue people have is with the rewards you get. I think if it were done on a regular basis potentially every weekend or just as a consistent permanent feature, you could increase the amount each item costs and change out the items every 3 months. Personally the main reason I do this event is because it’s fun and not for the prizes.

Even if people disagree that it should be a permanent event, many people agree that it should increase to more than a twice a year event. To me this event made me play the game more and it made me want to go and do transmog runs so I could have more gear to play around with in these events. However, now that’s it over my motivation for transmog has significantly decreased and I’m not as interested in playing.