Problem with upgrade - stuck on Initializing


I was trying to upgrade WoW Classic but all the way stuck on Initializing While Installing or Patching.
Before I have made this post I had checked all the forums related on that problem.

It is beyond my imagination that there is no solution from Blizzard at all.

There is an article where random people are giving tips how to deal with problem… you must be super hiper expert and hacker to do so tho.

Last night I managed to download upgrade dealing manualy with uac virtualization changing it value for agent.exe program. I took me like 6 hours. I had to switch that option 4-5 per minute.

Before that I have done many things like updated my Windows, installed new fresh app, remove those three catalogs that are given in solution from blizzard, change setting for apps and still stucked.

Anyone else has same problem?

Sorry but im 21th century where some companies are going to send ppl on Mars and yet Blizzard cant fix their own up, instead giving tip like - go to folder and remove three catalogs and “otherwise we dont know” what to do… this is ridiculous.


As WoW is managed by Battle Net client, i have the same advice for you
Go to this link and follow my instructions :

If you can’t find any solution, try mine. If i’m right, that will solve your issue :slightly_smiling_face:

If not, no inconvenient so far, but i would advice to uninstall completely your game and reinstall it.