Queue to connect Battlenet

I spent money to play a game I enjoy. After so many bugs that disconnected me from the game I finally fixed every problem (becouse I found out the issues your servers have), now I cant even connect to the app. Your tech support is not helpful in any way. I was ok with queing for 25 minutes but after the time passed, I got disconnected and after logging back, the queue time was 25 minutes again, after few times of exiting and connecting to battlenet, my queue time is now 80 000 minutes. I would appreciate some effort to make your game playable.


You’re lucky.
177 minutes to wait, here.

I got kicked out of the game while playing. Ended up with a 121053-minute queue. It’s now 167. Still waiting :smiley:

Mine is saying 174 minutes, guess I might get a chance to play tomorrow.

It’s getting more interesting. Went down to 56 from 167, and then up to 240. Well well.

UPD: 410 min. now.

How to make a boring game worse. Just uninstalled mine.

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same here… any info?

WTF is going on? Really! Was logged in, rebooted my PC for updates now I have to wait in a queue for 4 hours.

that’s a shame! from 20 to 54 min…DAMNNNN

i just opened my battlenet app and i am in queue for 6,5 hours
what is going on ?

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Same here, started at 174 then went down to 80 and now 185…

same same. >400min waiting time

484 minutes queue. best thing i could imagine after a 13 hours work day. Thanks for your incredible service, blizzard. i’m always overwhelmed when i get surprised by the amount of potential that got wasted by this company once again. best gaming company but releasing one game in 10 years and still coming up with launcher(!) connection issues like that. after making vast amounts of money with WoW it seems like they dont wanna invest in proper game projects anymore. D3 was the last example - the worst continuation of a great title that has ever happened. Nvm, I switch back to steam games ^.^


SAME I got to 170 mins then it jumped to 280

Same . 107578 mins . Ich bin glücklich…

And this why we need to go back to hosting our own servers. Never had these issues back then.

queued yesterday and didnt get in and queuing again today and still not getting in, that’s two days of paid game play so far looking to be lost here, we should get something back for the failure here

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also here, tried to log in 2 times in a row and finally I have logged in…and out again.
No reaction from Battle.net on this topic…shame

not booting out once your in is it?!

Went twice trough a 700 queue, only to be disconnected at the end. Smh…