Quitting WoW because of Arena healing being broken

What i’ve noticed playing arena in SL 9.0 and 9.1 is that being a healer doesn’t pay.
Here are my reasons:

  1. Double dps comps do not even need to CC you (the healer) because they just do more damage than you can heal.
    This is also the case when Ilvl is basically the same. You could say that for enemy CDs you should trade your own CDs. That is partially true as some CDs like pally wings last longer than ironbark, pain suppression or similar CDs. Rogues don’t even need to pop any CDs to do incredible burst because of the crit leggo. There are many more examples which i wont even bother mentioning.

  2. Off healing and other none-healer defensives that prolong games.
    Why would you bring a healer, when a feral + ench team can live a lot longer and has incredible burst potential (night fae leggo for feral and chain harvest + windfury + ascendance for sham). This also applies for decent rogue mage teams, where there is no off-heals at all. Mage just refuses to die and rogue goes to stealth and heals up. Some comps are better at dealing with rogue mage, but most cannot do anything to counter the resets. I wish all teams had a hunter when facing rogue mage so the rogue wont be able to reset for free.

  3. Annoying mechanics.
    This applies not only for healers but all specs in arena.
    Tell me, who except night fae players like the wild seed?
    What about warriors doing shadow damage as venthyr? The best part of facing a warrior as holy pally is not knowing if bop even does anything so u cannot choose correct talents before the arena starts.
    Rogue Vanish conduit, unless you are a hunter or a very mobile class that rogue is resetting and healing up for sure and there is 0 counter play to it.
    In this category there are a lot more examples as well, which we all know.

  4. Covenants are not swappable (for players who have different BiS covenants in PvE and PvP)

  5. The grinds and alts.
    Keeping an alt up to speed is something that requires tons of time.
    There is no part of the grinds that can be skipped or lessened for alts. Imagine if you played not 2 but 3 classes or even 5 like i do. You have to do these things every week:
    Leggo farming - gold + cinders
    Renown - anima + korthia shit + annoying repeat of the same quest chains on different chars
    Rep + currency for conduits and sockets
    Gearing - in SL hearing is a lot slower and i like a lot of other people relay on the great vault for a lot of my upgrades. Which means in order to be up to speed you need to at least unlock 2 slots of the great vault, which is also very time consuming.

I would like to close with my perspective of the differences between BfA and SL.
I started doing arena in BfA season 2. By the last season i was able to get to 1.8 with undergeared healers (all specs even holy priest) with relative ease. Then SL drops and i only managed to get to 1.8 on a single char and that also did not last long. I don’t think the reason is that i play worse tbh. Even though it might be the case since i tend to get frustrated very easy when i or a teammate gets 1 shot by convoke, pally wings or something else.

Do let me know if your expirience with SL is the same and if you plan to keep on playing.

Have a nice 1 peeps :slight_smile:

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I have the same experience. I play resto druid and to get rating this expansion is tougher than in BFA. I am also NightFae coz of PvE, but would prefer to be Necrolord in PvP.
Soon, they will make this possible in 9.1.5 and then i will buy subscription again.
However, i will probably stick to RBGs, since arena has too many boosters and in this meta where people die in seconds healers seem useless.

BTW you should have posted this on WoW forums, not Blizzard general forums…