Shame on you! blizzard = hypocrite

Really not liking the direction this company is going, here’s to hoping that their employees find better employment elsewhere.


dO yOu GuYs NoT hAvE FreE SpEeCh?!?!?!


“Free Speech” is a term that is BANNED in Blizzard’s Republic of China.
Using such terms will get you BANNED, or worse.

How’s your family? Are they ok?

  • Chinese Blizzard

I’ve never logged into blizzard forums until today to voice support for Hong Kong and the disgust towards blizzard and the Chinese government.


Fuck You Blizzard cocksuckers, after 15 years of playing your games, i’m sick of you communist cunts! delete my account!


I really only logged on here to shame Blizzard as a company. The company which gave us games the original Diablo, Starcraft, Warcraft does not exist any longer.
It became quite apparent when they last year prodly proclaimed that the next Diablo would not be for PC or even consoles but instead smartphones. And that comment “You guys dont have phones?” ??? This was clearly not intended for the western world but for China so why not go the full road ahead and move the company there? You obviosly do not care about anything than money, values rings empty… I am utterly disappointed and will not renew any subs, I will not buy any new versions of your games, not that I understand why anyone would like to play Diablo Immoral on a phone anyway… So bye and I will not see you anytime soon


Won’t spend more money on blizzard games or in-game items :slight_smile: Until blizzard comes with a public apology for all that shit they did. FREE HONGKONG :slight_smile: fock winnie pooh !

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Fuck you bizzard and shame on you!
fucking retard cunts wont even let me delete my account, you bastards!



Blizzard, you are so damn shameless, that you’ll try to even stop your own users from deleting their own accounts in protest of your horrible practices.

Absolutely disgusting.


Ban me


Guys in order to get to Blizzard you are going to have to trash the company non-stop all over the internet for a decent amount of time whilst also helping competitors. It may help to befriend one of the top owners. In this way it might be able to convince the owner they have bad employees and have them fired (senior ones are necessary).

Good luck and good night.

It’s more like :
hong kong = china
hong kong people = hypocrite
asia = killing the planet because you keep grow like stupid ants
humanity = dumb, makes me sick
virus = solution

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We all need to support Chinese majority and goverment. You doing it right, Blizzard. Those haters are propaganda zombies.

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Blizzard you did it this time! You killed yourself! Making a remake that does nothing what you promised! The lowest score of any game ever on metacritic. What? You promised so much and delivered nothing. The original Warcraft 3 looks better than the remake!

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blizard was wonce a grait company, best games… best at everyting, now all games are broken, we cant play and have fun, example of heroes of the storm, some chars are broken and dont even care, ive so cheaters play all around, maybe they pay to cheat, i dont know, i so people leave with 0 hp and come back 1 second full HP, report sistem dont work, this game is made for payers, all games are, lucky you guys are falling down to steam games… im ashamed… played WOW for a long years, so that shit going down, people on pvp immortals, go to heroes, same shit… i hope you guys lose all you market value and go to hell with your games


You are all just jumping on the bandwaggon of hongkong. how about you read in to the actual problem. and se that hongkong is the one in the wrong here. not china. oh and blizz there main group of players is in china. iam sure they wont give a shit if you all leave. just means less complaining. the 100.000 people who wil leave because of this. like big boohoo. the other 10million customers they have wont give a shit. grow up

Hong Kong is a western city caught up in the issues of an Eastern power known for rampant personal freedoms abuses. Maybe if you read up on the issues you would see that the people are protesting China breaching their sovereignty and right as a people to be independent of China.

imgur com/a/YZ9tGj9


Always. Everything is made in chine. Good morning.

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For the people who want to say 'OH LITTLE CUTE LETS FREE HONGKONG, CHINESE GOVERNMENT IS SHIT, I hope your country will be split by AMERICAN (piece of shit), and everyone demonstration on the street with a bottle of Molotov.

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