Sms verification problem

Hey, I got verification error on Warzone. I’ve already verified my phone.

When i click " quit and verify" i dont get any SMS to verify.

Resetted, cleared cache phone. I dont have any other sms application. I

I also couldnt install the authenticator cuz it also says we send a SMS that i dont recieve


Pls edit your post (the pencil tool under it) and remove your phone number… for your own security.

This forum is a public forum and anyone with an internet connection can read your post.

There is another topic with verification codes on a Call of Duty game issue here:

Is your issue the same or related ?

Account related issues cannot be resolved on the forums… again, for your own security and privacy. Blizzard needs to ascertain that they are communicating with the legitimate owner of the account.

If the issue is with your Battle.Net account, you will need to contact Blizzard Support with a ticket. If the issue is with your Activision account, you will need to contact Activision Support at  .

Good luck with this.

I’m having the same issue. Getting verification errors on warzone. My number is verified on my blizzard account however I’m not getting any text with the code. I don’t have the authenticator app setup either.
I live in America and T-Mobile is my carrier and yes I have called them to remove the short codes block!

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There seems to be an issue with SMS… Blizzard is investigating. See this topic on the Americas region Desktop App Tech Support forum:

How to fix it? I have the problem wtf blizzards?!?!?


anybody actually have a fix for this, the autheticator is as trash as the sms verification and doesnt work, neither does the support