So what will be required after january 5th to set up new password

I set up my account in 2007.
To tell the truth, I do not recall many things I input there when I was creating my account.
It was so many years since I last logged into it.
So will I lose access to the Blizzard games I bought?
I have a physical authenticator and have no desire to use the mobile Blizzard app especially since Blizzard is in the hands of Microsoft.
I always wanted to quit wow it seems wow but it seems Microsoft is giving me the opportunity.
I only miss the money I spent in the store.

You can keep using your physical authenticator until it no longer works…

I have a physical Authenticator keychain. Do I need to take any action?

No. The physical authenticator is not affected by this change. However, the physical authenticator is no longer available and when the battery dies you will need to use the Mobile App to continue using the Authenticator feature.

cf : Authenticator Mobile App Migration Deadline Approaching

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Okay, thanks,
I understood that it would stop working.
I didn’t notice there was additional info about the physical authenticator.

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