Soulbound items for world of warcraft

hi my name is shinobi and i wanted to post some feedback on somthing about world of warcraft when ur in a dungeon or a raid and ur getting loot that loot should not be able to be bound to u unless u equip it i think u should be able to trade loot from a dungeon or a raid with out having to collect it and automatically be soulbound to u items should be tradeable with out having it being automatically bound to u expeciall when ur in a guild and ur the only one on and no one else is u should be able to be allowed to take items that u looted and stick them in ur bank with out having to either disenchant them or sell them u have a player level 20 they cant do high end stuff until 60 or so… so why not be allowed to help them by getting armor and loot to help there items levels right but u cant bc of the soulbound items that are on pick up and to me thats not even right that should be changed thank you for allowing me to bring this up on the feed back hopfully you all read it and maybe make a few changes about the soulbound items thank u sincerely your member of world of warcraft Shinobi

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