Spellstone/firestone (warlock)

Hi fellow players of Azeroth.

Since Blizz are making a few tweeks to the new classic TBC then i rly need to suggest taking a good look at the Warlocks --Spell stone and Firestone–. We have had those for a long time but i am pretty sure that the use of the two spells is closer to 0%

Biggest problem imo is that creating Spell stone or Firestone and use them removes the chance of wand use.

It would therefor make sense to change the spells to an applying buff to the mainhand instead of taking up an item slot.

I know warlocks are top of the tree in TBC so this would boost em even more but, to counter that part you could have an restriction that the spell does not stack with other weapon enchants. Players would then have an use for the items early game or when leveling and swap it out in the raiding stages for better and more permanent enchants.

–Spread the word-- and let me know about your thoughts regarding this matter.

Best Regards Tigon (Norway)

Hey Tigon,

A more appropriate forum about this would be here!