The awful state of overwatch 2

Dear Overwatch Developers,

Now I understand I havent played much overwatch and this game has come a long way since the first game yet I can only speak for overwatch 2 since its the only one ive played now. WHY IS IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO GET MORE THAN 1 COMPITENT TEAM A DAY LET A LONE SINGLE COMPITENET TEAMMATE and its not me because I put up numbers in my games I do damage I tank I heal I support I dps the cycle over and over and over and over because for some reason the elitist at blizzard decided I have to WIN 25 COMPETITIVE MATCH TO QUALIFY FOR REWARDS I could play 4000 matches and win 24/4000 AND STILL NOT QUALIFY FOR SILVER REWARDS BECAUSE THE TEAMMATES I QUEUE INTO LOBIES WITH SHOULD BE IN LEAGUES L E A G U E S BELOW BRONZE YET THYRE SOMEHOW STUCK PULLING ME DOWN FARTHER WITH THEM.

Nerfing and Buffing Characters, there’s talk about some passive map buffs or something coming to characters next season but why do that you guys just nerfed buffed and buffed sojurn again now your going to add a passive buff to her overclock because of the map shes playing on adding reppition over and over Im to expect the same characters on this map over and over and over can wait to get stomped by ramattra on shambali monestary EVERY TIME I SEE THE MAP when theres characters that just demolish my team ex: mei - its just hold a beam and you get kills junkrat - hold an arch on a doorway and I can crossmap people with my silly grenade laucher and deal insane damage, orisa - any type of attack comes your way? just turn gold whats the issue now, and what am I supposed to do counter pick? okay fine lets say I do now my teammates are just feeding into a zarya because they cant finish a kill and due to the amazing matchmaking you guys have I get queued with water bottle 6’s and I cant rank up its so bad my friends wont get on overwatch because theyre scared to spend the next 10 minutes of their life in a draining push match going back and forth and back and forth esperanca isnt that bad BUT COLOSEEO IS SO ANNOYING oh your character has 250 or less health widow widow widow and Oh just dive her right? NOOOOOPEEEEEEEE shes got a mercy pocket with a mei protecting her and a rein thats invisible to everyone but me because my teammates just dont seem to see the rein for some odd reason and I do get it I dont I truly dont understand what mechanics exist for matchmaking but apparently you guys have been upadting them but I guess not because the same issues happen to be persistent in your matches the same skill gap between my team and the enemy team its always either a steam roll on my side or theres for some reason its getting to the point where rocket league has a better mmr system than overwatch I just fail to comprehend how hard it is for someone to make a decent and working rank system I dont wanna tear anyone down because overall from what ive seen playing 3 seasons overwatch is a great game overall just some of the updates made are INSANELY QUESTIONABLE please fix this please fix your game

~A tired overwatch player

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