Transmog- The difference between unlocking an item through a token and an actual gear piece is silly

The distinction between tier being sourced from a token and it being dropped as a raw item being the only difference to restrict unlocking the item for transmog is absolutely garbage and nonsensical and does nothing to maintain ‘class identity’ or whatever excuse they want to make.

It goes against the idea of warbands entirely by respecting players time. I still need to spend the time farming 1 shot content on each specific class. When I am deciding if I want to go get items for transmog I’m not looking at random off piece items a third of the time. I am looking at my set collection, which raids I can complete on the class for the full set.

Before the update you’d have effectively dead transmog runs if you had already ran a raid a few times and collected most of your specific armour class. With the Warbands update I was under the impression that this would push back that feeling, now I had to collect the majority of EVERYTHING from the raid and this was going to be a great update, something I wanted since the very first transmog update in Cata.

At this point I’m going to be running raids just as often, on just as many characters on just as many alts of the same class if I want to satisfy my desire to collect which calls into question what was the point of letting us collect other armour types in the first place? Yes, if you collect tier tokens you can put them in your Warband bank (Which doesn’t work at the time of writing lol) and collect them on the respective characters or the option of non-class-specific is also available. Now yes, I’d say that the majority of the raids drop in these two fashions.

  • The Burning Crusade raids

  • Wrath of the Lich King raids

  • Cataclysm raids

  • Mists of Pandaria raids

  • WoD BlackRockFoundry

  • Battle for Azeroth raids

  • Shadowlands raids

  • Dragonflight raids

    So that leaves

  • Classic

  • WoD Hellfire Citadel

  • Legion

    Yes, it’s a extremely niche group of content but I feel like that is even more of a head scratcher as to why they are excluded from the Warband update. This is a personal opinion but a lot of Classic raid sets have a special place in my heart and it’s really sad that those raids have honestly the most footwork aka time to invest into doing them and were at the top of my list to go through since I thought it was going to be a great time to mass collect them. As far as Legion and BRF goes I just like the updated graphics the gear has, would like to mass farm the sets.

    In conclusion please just remove this weird difference between tier tokens and raw tier drops. It just feels like there isn’t any reason to handicap the collection of those tier sets.


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