Unable to log in on any platform

I have a constant connecting symbol/screen on both the pc client and mobile app for battlenet and when i try to load overwatch 2 on the PS5 im just getting Unable to log you in BN-115

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Its not just you.

We cant logon to WoW on PC either. :frowning:
Probably something down on Blizzards side.

Would be nice for them to give us a update on whats happening on an ETA or something though

Just woke up and tried to logon.

Been doing the basic reset and see if it was something in my end. But yeah then came here to see if there was anything posted.

Hopefully they will fix it soon as it looks like its affecting the whole battle.net login system.

They decided to make playing solo require login and always connected without being able to support it. It seems to be killing everything.

Even the MW2 servers were rubber banding like hell yesterday. When they said fight through hell, I though it was a reference to Diablo IV’s storyline, not their poor infrastructure.