Wacraft 3 classic

I want my money back from Warcraft 3. The whole game is broken now. I have the classic old game but it’s not playable. I want my whole money back. I don’t want the reforged mess…


For us that have not asked for Reforged! should not be forced to “downgrade” to this unplayable thing.

Playing only custom games. like Dota-LoD
Icons are missing, Spells/ability is Pixelated.

I Bought W3 TFT to play W3 TFT

i did not buy that game, to be forced to play a buggy Reforged.


Can we still play normal Warcraft 3 somehow?

Yeah you can. Like torrents or something i guess.


How do we acess the actual good warcraft 3? Like i wana play the custom campains there won’t cause me to lag like reforged does.d Plus i still have the dc for the frozen throne.

go to blizzard.com. go to games and then click download. at the botton ther is
Warcraft® III: Public Test Realm
get that !!! its working

can you give me a guide step by step on how to find it as i cannot find it?

I totally agree, WC3 classic was the game i enjoyed on old machines, with custom maps and so on, i don’t see why i should be forced to play a different game i’ve payed for.
This is not an “upgrade”, it’s a different game wich lacks a lot of the experience i has been promised when i’ve purchased the WC3 box back in time.
Blizzard, you’re playing with fire, other companies faced doom for much less than this.
Remember ATARI?
Just fire those money leechers and get back, you’ll earn money and preserve a playerbase aswell


go to blizzard game page… the fan says downloads… find at the buttom at the page
Warcraft® III: Public Test Realm and download it… you need a cd key at startup.

you can play Warcraft 3 TFT PTR version- which does the same as the Classic version.! any othere versions will lead you to reforged.

Fine,but i’ll loose all my saves and my contacts will be ereased…
18 years of games burned out in a single day
GG blizzard…

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I just noticed that i cannot launch WC3 i already has on this laptot unless i have an internet connection that will FORCE ME to download 20gb of useless things, the damage has already been done.
I hoped that starting it offline would allow me to protect my game from this stuff but nope…they ofc have to “enter in my home without invitation”.
In an US INRL envoirnment you would have been shooted instantly.
Thanks god i still have the original CDs, i’ll try this…even if i’ll loose the saves…
I’m done with this company
Back to Minecraft where you can play all the version of the game you want.

Hallo my frends

This is a catastrophe…
WC3 its a big part of my life, of my good memories…
I was dreaming, dat in 20 years ,i will be old and still plaing this game.
I dont will play this absolytly catastrophic “reforged”.
Its not only about the graphics. Original atmosohere ist lost.

I dont buy reforged and now i lost my WC3 Classic client…

I will my money back, wich i give for blizzard many years ago, when i buy CD’s with WC3 RoC and TFT.

You can still play classic wc3 if you install wc3 public test from here- works like it did 3 weeks ago

Try to get the old installation files, may by download from some news servers or something… Do we have to go illegal to play a game where we have payed money for…? I guess… Blizzard should publish both games separate…

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No just get them here this site. WC3 and WC3FT are there. If you want to play battle net like befor oyu need to install “public test”

GUYS! :raising_hand_woman:t3:
Does this work for you?! I tried to download this but the Battle.net button is greyed out. Does it work to play Battle.net on PTR 1.31? Anyone know a solution to my issue? So I don’t have to cry myself to sleep another night. :sob:

Check my 1 Human vs 2 Random Normal: <Edit: Link Removed>

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