Warzone Mods / Official and Fan made

Hi guys, I am just starting to play warzone for the first time and before every game I like to learn as much as I can. Doesn’t mean I will be good but it’s my process.
Now I have spent lots of time and found some information that I am looking into, the mods.

However, I only find online about mods people use to cheat, and even though I am not good enough to be competitive in any FPS, I play fair.

So my question is, what modes or mods, are available that are “legal”. The ones that will improve my game.

I have also seen some videos where it was a total conversion of this game, for example like in M&B Warband, mod changes from Calradia to Middle Earth etc. The video I’ve seen about warzone, (no longer available) I’ve asked the guy who posted it what is it.How did he do it, which is what got me interested into playing warzone.

However, I only received answer from other people that it was just fan made video.

Is something like that possible and available for this game? If not, then as in the original question, what mods are available that are legal that “can” change the way you are playing the game without having you feel like a cheater.

I am downloading this game as I type so I hope to receive some answers before I dig into this game. Thanks a lot! Looking forward to new information.

See you in the zone

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