WC3 battle.net account names ending in REY

My old warcraft III battlenet account (Sondrey) apparently got deleted due to inactivity. When I try to create a new one with the same name I get this error message: “The specified account name contains invalid words. (3.31)”.

I have submitted a ticket on the issue and been in contact with a GM who was unable to help resolve it, but said I could try here.

I have found very little information on the issue except for these 2 previous threads from 2017: https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/sc2/topic/17616653311

In addition I have done some testing, and it seems like no matter what account name you chose, as long as it ends in “rey”, it will get the same error message.

I can confirm that the name is not taken, as if it was, you would get a different error message; “The specified account name is already used. Please select another. (3.12)”.

One of the reasons I want my old account name is because I have a lot of experience/lvls tied to it. I have played a lot of You TD (among other games) and there you get a save code after every game which you can then load at the start of a new game, thus accumulating experience and gaining lvls. These codes however, are tied to your account name, so they cannot be used by others.

I’m hoping someone here can assist in sheding some light on the issue and hopefully help resolve it.

Best regards,


Good morning Sondrey,

This does sound weird indeed. I have tried it myself and came to the same result as you. Because of that I have escalated this to have it looked into and will update you here as soon as I hear something.

Kind regards

What’s your opinion?

Thank you for escalating.

You haven’t heard anything yet? Do you expect an answer within the next month?

Best regards,


Hello Sondrey,

I have heard back from the Dev Team and the issue can’t be resolved until Warcraft III is released unfortunately. I am sorry that I do not have any better news on this topic.

Kind regards

What’s your opinion?

Hi Blizzard, Is there a Warcraft 3 installer for 32bit?
I installed on XP and after the patch it says restart.
Then it says :Warcraft 3 is running already. I need
a patch outgame or an installer for 32bit

Hello Gizzeight,

Please do not bump old post, that is considered Necroposting and should be avoided as much as possible.

As for your question, Warcraft III (the installer as well as the game client) is compatible with 32bit architectures without patches.
Please note however that Windows XP is no longer supported as operating system, the minimum required to properly run the game is Windows 7. You can find a full list of the game requirements here.