Why the epic lag?

OK, throughout the day I’ve been playing through the (belatedly arrived) 9.1 content in Korthia and the Maw, and holy crap it’s not a pleasant way to play: Looting mobs taking a couple of seconds each time, attempting interrupts but, of course, they fail to register server side (guess I’ll try and hammer the key a few times in advance of when I need to and hope I get lucky?). If I were playing a caster the word that springs to mind is “fucked”.
This would be more forgivable if the game was free to play (it’s not).
This would be more forgivable if the expansions were priced like expansions, not full new games (they’re not).
I don’t think I’ve ever started a post here but if it helps highlight some of the community sentiment and gets something done to rectify the issues it’ll be worth it but I suspect I may as well be shouting at a wall, but at least venting a little helps me feel a mite better.
Please, pretend I’m a customer instead of a MAU stat.

Blizzard - Expect Less ™.

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We have had increased reports of lag in Korthia and the Maw since 9.1 went live and we are investigating to see if we can determine what is causing it, so thank you for reporting it also impacting yourself in this case.

We do also advise players experiencing it to also make sure they have followed the steps here, and see if there are any improvements/changes.