I have some points.
First is the fire mage. I was in HOI +13 with BM hunter and fire mage. Both ~528 ilvl + 3.1k rio. BM had 1.5x more damage on trash and FOUR times more on boss than fire mage. I guess that fire mage is broken spec right now.
I know that fire mage is hard spec, but this guys had 95% percentile dmg in raides and he know how to damage as fire mage
The second is shadow priest with talent Idol of C’Thun. My teammate used it and hitted thrash twice far away from us because of bugs with that spell. We lost key because of that. Also broken.
The third is very OP classes like frost dk, BM hunter and maybe others idk. I saw hunter that did 15m dmg by one click of explosive shot on trash, really?)) He could have killed them alone by one spell with cd 30s…
One more, for example, frost dk had 1.5m dps on trash with BL and full cds. On the same moment two shadow priest had 500-600k dps. I have screen of that
Also my friend found bug that he cant trade on mythic+ and lost item. After that he couldn’t enter on character…
I found that JUST for two-three hours of new “great” pre-patch.
Guys, tell me that not only me very upset of that pre-patch. And not only me dont want to play this game until TWW
P.S. Sry for mistakes in english